Eiketsu's Domain
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2

"the irritating Mr.Popo"
--Dbz on the PS2
     -Atari is coming out with a sequel to the somewhat beloved Budokai. This game will have many new features, so instead of going through every little detail I will just state some of the new features.  The biggest new feature is the graphics, the graphic made up of cell-shaded figures that make the characters look more like they do on television (for those of you that don't know what cell-shaded is, if you ever played The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker there you go, that is cell-shaded).  The game covers almost every thing up to the Kid Buu saga.  Which brings me too the new characters, there are the original 23 fighters plus 11 new ones, here they are, Goten, Young Trunks, Teen Gohan, Videl, Majin Vegeta, Supreme Kai, Dabura, Android 20, and the three-forms of Buu, making the new total 34 fighters.  You may be asking what about Gotenks and Vegito?  Well, hold on a second I'm getting to that, another new feature is fusions where you can fuse two characters together by unlocking the skill at Mr. Popo' shop (ah yes the irritating Mr. Popo's Shop) imagine Tien fused with Yamcha or Goku fused with Hercule.  If you kept your old Budokai saved you can transfer skills from there to the Budokia 2 which makes a great time-saver.  The newest gaming mode is Dragon mode, where you select a group of four or five fighters and you split up to find the dragonballs.  It is not as easy as it sound there are also other teams searching for the dragonballs.  When you encounter an enemy you can choose to fight him or you can let one of you CPU partners take 'em on (here is a hint, don't send Krillin in to fight Frieza or Krillin is going to get destroyed).  The battle fields also have more depth, for example when fighting, you can send an opponent flying through a building and memorable things like that, which are to DBZ fans.  Budokai 2 comes to the PS2 sometime close to the holidays, so start saving your pennies, this is going to be a must have for Dbz fans!!!
start saving your pennies

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The pictures are from ign.com.