Atari is at it again, they are in the making of yet another dbz game. But this isn't
an rpg (hooray) it is a no holds bar 2D fighter. It will feature characters from the popular anime series like Goku,
Gohan, Buu, Cell, etc. This will also be the first game to feature Broly, The legendary super saiyajin. There are 7 characters to start with, and 8 more to unlock, for a total of 15 fighters. You can also have up to four fighters duking it out on the screen (up
to two human players and two AI opponents) with the link cable. You will battle on several different animated environments
such as Master Roshi's Island and Orange Star City (ooooooo...... animated). There is also a system when you win battles
you win Z-points (a form of decide) and with these Z-points you can buy items at the Z-store you
can buy items such as info on each character, pictures, new game modes, etc. So the more you play, the more you can
unlock(Winning+Zpoints= Extra unlockables). There is also an endurance mode where you can see how far you can get on
life while fighting endless characters. Dragonball Z: Taiketsu is coming out in November, so take a look and give it a try!!